Capacity calculator for reprocessing units

With our capacity calculator you can easily and quickly calculate the filling capacity of your unit as well as the expected required amount of Vadion pH-Control mixed bed resin.

UWS preparation unit
°dH Fresh water
Conductivity fresh water μS/cm
Volume fresh water I
Total water volume L
°dH Existing water
Conductivity of existing water μS/cm
Volume stock water I
Conductivity of total water μS/cm
Required quantity of Vadion pH-Control in l
Capacity filling water / existing water of the selected device

Design of water replenishment

With this calculation tool you can easily calculate the required size of the replenishment unit. Please fill out the form completely. The calculation is based on approx. 5 % make-up water of the system volume within two years. Therefore, alternatives are also suggested.

°dH Supplementary water
Conductivity make-up water µS/cm
Volume heating/cooling system in l
Required quantity of Vadion pH-Control in l
Recommended replenishment unit

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You can easily request our water treatment service using this form. Please complete the form in full. You will then receive a quote from us shortly. The services are only for specialised companies and not for private customers.

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    Capacity calculator for reprocessing units

    With our capacity calculator you can easily and quickly calculate the filling capacity of your unit as well as the expected required amount of Vadion pH-Control mixed bed resin. Please select whether it is a new or existing unit.
    UWS Füllgerät
    °dH des Wassers
    Heizwasser in Liter
    Füllkapazität Ihres Gerätes:
    Füllwasser Kapazität ca.
    20.700 l
    Benötigte Gesamtmenge Vadion in Liter ca.
    0,11 l